Tá coiste cairde gníomhach i nGaelscoil Pheig Sayers, coiste a eagraíonn imeachtaí chun airgead a bhailiú don scoil cosúil le oícheanta ráis, crannchur na Nollag agus siúlóidí urraithe. Cabhraíonn an coiste le ócáidí speisialta freisin msh An Chéad Comaoineach, An Cóineartú agus Oíche Deiridh Rang 6. Cuireann siad aiseolas tábhachtach ar fáil don scoil ina theannta sin.

We have an active parents committee in Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers who organise events to raise money for the school such as race nights, Christmas raffles and sponsored walks. They also help with special occasions like First Communions, Confirmations and 6th Class Graduation night. They provide important feedback to the school on relevant issues as well.

Cathaoirleach – Kenneth Collins
Rúnaí – Fiona Cunningham
Baill ; Clare Cohan, Sharleen Lynch

If you would like to be on the Parents Committee please contact the school office on 021 4309619.